Fanfic: "Howdy" by Juxian Tang . [Snupin] . [N7]

Feb 27, 2008 13:45

"Howdy" by Juxian Tang.

First read: 27-02-2008.

Notes: Author's summary: "Challenge # 83: Snape and Lupin each (separately) make a decision to adopt a child. And they're both stubbornly determined to adopt *the same* child." 23.000 words. I liked the child, who was cute and whose past explained his utter cuteness and docility (and he did become a little annoying after a time, which also made sense). I liked how werewolves, even under the effects of Wolfwane, were still dangerous and how Snape wasn't to touch them. Snape's and Lupin's relationship didn't make so much sense, though, it was mostly implied until Lupin decides to kiss Snape. I didn't like Snape's characterization at all, in fact. His relationship with Howdy was creible, his opening up to this very vulnerable child. But the way everybody at Hogwarts and Lupin treat him as if he was a capricious child who's only being cruel and aggressive because of his fear of abandonment and how he loses his ability to lie and talk regularly do not reflect the canon Snape, who survived decades alone, who spied on Voldemort and did all the terrible things he did. So... mixed feelings.

fanfic-2008, fanfic-february-2008, 2008, harry potter fic: with kids, *fanfic-novella-2008, harry potter fic: snupin, @read in english, fanfiction

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