KiaraSayre 30.09.2012
Cute, interesting adaptation in which Peter is instead Penny but Spider is still Spiderman. The issues of Penny Parker that Peter never deals with are mentioned but it's mostly a story about the ethernal superhero issue with protecting girlfriends by taking away their right to decide over their own lives, Penny is slightly more likely to be able to understand than Peter but this is never stated or shown, imo. That's to say, very good set-up, I think it could have gone more places.
"Do I really stress you out that much?" asks Penny, her voice barely a mumble. She keeps her eyes on the hair instead of having to meet Aunt May's eyes.
"Of course you do," says Aunt May, and puts a firm hand on Penny's chin and makes her look up. "You're a teenager," says Aunt May. "That's your job." Her hand slides up to cup Penny's cheek, and Penny puts her hand over Aunt May's. "Much as it kills me to let you go out every night, and don't think it doesn't - I love you too much not to let you be your own person." Then she adds, "Although I still hope you'll stop."
Penny stares at her. "You can love someone and still want to protect them."
"Oh, of course," says Aunt May, pulling her hand away. She resettles herself with her vegetables and says, "But that's how you love, not a person. And you have a good heart, Penny, so I have to trust you and hope you know what you're doing. That said, if any of this is guilting you into stopping whatever it is you're doing - "
2012, fanfic-2012, other fic, other fic: femmeslash, n7, 2012: femmeslash fic, *fanfic-oneshot-2012, [quotes] fanfiction, other fic: gen, @read in english, fanfiction