First read: 05.05.2009
Second read: 13.06.2009
Third read: 13.12.2009 (I'm giving it half an extra point this time)
Fourth read: 27.11.2010
Comments: 27.000 words. This story is a weird mix of coming of age (finding yourself or maybe realising you already have), a mentoring friendship/bromance and the romance that can come out of a deep friendship. It’s not as well rounded out as other Astolat stories but maybe that’s good, because that’s life. This second time around I listened to Aphelant’s reading/podfic and boy, it’s amazing, she included the track “Time of my life”, which I had never heard and didn’t know existed so it’s like she’s actually adding to the story not just with her acting out but with the actual connection to the “canon”. *loves fandom*
It seems impossible but I like it more each time I read it. I think it's my favourite Cookleta ever, really, at the very least it deserves credit for not using any special devices (falling planes, soul-bonds) and you know I love that shit but managing to get them together with no help at all, just characterization and brilliant writing? Wow.
Here's the song:
Click to view
rps fic: recs, rps fic: david cook/david archuleta, to re-read, 2009x3, fanfic: read3, author: shalott, fanfic-2009, 2009: rps fic, @read in english, *fanfic-novella-2009, 2009, rps fic, fanfiction, -podfic