
Jul 06, 2006 15:21

Oh, so I forgot to say, but I got an e-mail yesterday from Jana Paniccia, who's helping Julie Czerneda with the anthology thing and who's had stories of hers published in some of Julie's anthologies before. So the e-mail basically said that they'd know which stories were going to be in by the middle of this month! I'm really nervous, really anxious, and full of apprehension and anticipation. There's so much that I imagine could happen, if only Julie likes my work and if only I can get published here, now, by her. I've got to start somewhere, and in my head, this particular story really ought to be the start.

Intoxicating is the idea that what starts must then continue...and I think that there is nothing I would love more than to see a continued writing career blossom from this single story.

I haven't been doing much lately, mostly working on my story, going to class, hanging out. I've more or less got it down to a system, though not quite a routine. But I'm having fun. It's so weird to think that I'm already done with more than half of my stay here--it's gone by so fast! But at least I know that I really want to go here; at least I know that, at Stanford, and even more specifically in a workshop environment, I feel like I can thrive. Living with these kids who are mostly as in to writing as I am has been so wonderful--I can only wait to have another similar experience.

Hugs to all back home, and I hope you're doing well.

polaris, stanford, writing, vacation

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