Because I was a little too bored and didn't want to write...

Jul 05, 2006 21:49

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1) What would bluephoenix8807 give thellamasbanana for his/her birthday? Um...I don't think they know each other that well.
2) Is spadleader88 your best friend? One of them.
3) What would one123581321 think of hairyclairey? Probably that she's too close-minded about some things.
4) Do you have marang's screenname? Nope.
5) Thoughts on bluephoenix8807? I wish I could go to London with him!!!
6) Does hairyclairey go to your school? Yep.
7) What languages does cricketeer speak? English, Spanish (sort of), and politician.
8) Is skitzopath popular? Heh. Heh heh heh. Ask Nat that one.
9) Which president would cricketeer be likely to idolize? Clinton
10) What is hairyclairey allergic to? Nothing I know of.
11) What would you do if you found out cricketeer has a crush on you? I'd be so shocked! Seeing as he's my boyfriend I'd really hope that he's got more than just a crush on me.
12) If itsumi_actius took over the world, who would be happy? fictional characters...she's an EPGY writer!
13) How tall is comment5? very, very tall -- how tall exactly, I don't know, but it's up there
14) Are fallenrose24 and hairyclairey going steady? Hehehehehe. No.
15) Is bluephoenix8807 introverted or extroverted? More dominantly introverted, but among people he knows well he has no problem speaking his mind.
16) Does itsumi_actius know hairyclairey? Nope.
17) actress4jesus's hair color? Red! *power to the redheads*
18) What animal should cricketeer be combined with? I'd like him to stay human, thanks...
19) How long have you known bluephoenix8807? Um...I've only known him well since the beginning of this year.
20) Does cricketeer travel a lot? He's been to a bunch of places on the East Coast, which is more than I can say, but he's never been out of the country.
21) One quality you find attractive in one123581321? He's a deep thinker and he never stops asking questions; though sometimes he finds answers he's not satisfied with, at least he keeps asking.
22) Could you see thellamasbanana and skitzopath together? No.
23) Where would cucumber_eyes89 most like to visit? Orange County, CA...or somewhere awesome in Europe.
24) marang's eye color? Um...*blink* I don't know.
25) What exotic animal would cucumber_eyes89 like as a pet? A peacock.
26) If cucumber_eyes89 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Hm...that's a hard one. I don't think Literature Girl could have an archnemesis.
27) Is skitzopath a high school student? Yes.
28) One thing you can't stand about cricketeer? Well, he's just so sexy, and it makes me look bad. (Kidding, love!)
29) Would you ever date comment5? He's a nice guy, but I've already got a boyfriend.
30) What word best describes comment5? Hippie
31) When did you last call thellamasbanana? um...don't know when I last called her, but I hav e-mailed her recently.
32) Which of your friends should itsumi_actius go out with? Um...I don't think any of them are ready for her. :)
33) Did one123581321 break up with you? No...never together.
34) If hairyclairey and vacanze_romane5 were spliced together, what would it be like? *That* would be an explosive way.
35) Would thellamasbanana be a better ninja or pirate? Ooh....I'm going for ninja.
36) If hairyclairey and fallenrose24 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? the elbow
37) Does yagiwaokashine have a dog? last time I checked, yes
38) If fallenrose24 took over the world, who would suffer? stupid people, intolerant people, and George W. Bush -- oh, wait, Dubya falls under the other two categories already...
39) What animal does thellamasbanana remind you of? a llama?
40) If one123581321 were hanging off a cliff, what would yagiwaokashine do? I'd think Irene would help him...
41) Do you have a crush on comment5? above, I have a boyfriend!
42) Are pippins_smile and comment5 married? Noooo.....they don't even know each other.
43) Is bluephoenix8807 dead sexy? Hell yes.
44) Does hairyclairey have a big secret? probably, but I don't know it.
45) What color should marang dye their hair? It was cool purple.
46) How long would actress4jesus dating marang last? Not too long, since they're both straight
47) Is cucumber_eyes89 1337? yes
48) Is marang friends with vacanze_romane5? they don't know each other really
49) Would skitzopath and pippins_smile make a good couple?
50) Is skitzopath single? I'm not sure...
51) Has cucumber_eyes89 been to your house/dorm? I actually don't think she has been
52) Has comment5 dyed their hair? I don't know but I somehow doubt it
53) What song/movie would you recommend to cucumber_eyes89? agh, no, she's seen them all already! Hm...something Jane Austen or The Princess Bride, if she hasn't already seen all of those.
54) What comic book character would itsumi_actius be? I don't quite know yet.
55) Have you ever dated bluephoenix8807? No
56) What is actress4jesus's favorite color? I'm guessing green from the looks of her journal...
57) Where was fallenrose24 born? I don't know...
58) Would you make out with bluephoenix8807? Again, for the billionth time: BOYFRIEND!
59) Would you set up comment5 and spadleader88? Not unless I knew Luke a *lot* better, and he lived in CA
60) Do you think cricketeer is hot? as hell!
61) Is skitzopath athletic? not really
62) What is spadleader88's shoe size? I don't know...smallish, I'd guess
63) Is one123581321 an emo? I don't know, Chris, are you, or do you just wear all the black for fun?
64) What would cucumber_eyes89 do differently in your shoes? Stress less, be a freer spirit
65) Does hairyclairey smoke? No
66) Does itsumi_actius drink? No
67) If spadleader88 had a superpower, what would it be? growth (sorry Steph, first thing that came to mind)
68) What planet should comment5 be from? somewhere way out there...or maybe Mercury
69) Is marang in a relationship? I don't know
70) What is skitzopath's favorite game? I don't know
71) What rank would skitzopath have in a giant robot army? Commander in Chief
72) How many monkeys could fallenrose24 fight at once and win against? a bazillion
73) What is cucumber_eyes89's biggest flaw? I don't know if she has one
74) What mental disorder does actress4jesus remind you of? Sanity
75) What do you disagree with one123581321 about? God
76) Are vacanze_romane5 and actress4jesus going out? No....
77) Do yagiwaokashine and pippins_smile go to the same school? yes
78) Is itsumi_actius a nerd? as she would say, "hellz yeah!"
79) Would you wrestle bluephoenix8807 in jello? Um...that could get awkward!
80) Would itsumi_actius and comment5 look good together?, too much of a height difference
81) Where was comment5 born? I don't know, but he lives in FL
82) Where did you first meet pippins_smile? school
83) What flavor of jello would itsumi_actius be? peach
84) Would bluephoenix8807 go out with spadleader88? seeing as he's got a girlfriend already, no
85) If cucumber_eyes89 and hairyclairey were spliced together, what would be its name? Clephanie, because it sounds better than Stair.
86) What do you agree with actress4jesus about? ...not much
87) How would yagiwaokashine kill one123581321? Um...she probably wouldn't?
88) Have you flirted with comment5? No!
89) If cricketeer commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? the politicians of the me!!!
90) Is thellamasbanana a college student? She will be! Oh now there's a scary thought
91) Is comment5 related to you? nope
92) How would thellamasbanana conquer the world? carefully, and Britishly, if that's a word
93) What is thellamasbanana's favorite movie? hm...maybe Monty Python or something along those lines
94) Is one123581321 related to vacanze_romane5? Nope
95) What would you do if cricketeer died? not thinking about it, too painful...don't wanna see another Romeo and Juliet
96) Does spadleader88 have a crush on hairyclairey? I'm thinking not...
97) What is spadleader88's favorite band/artist? Eep...don't know.
98) What video game does yagiwaokashine remind you of? she doesn't?
99) What is vacanze_romane5's favorite food? I don't know, which is pathetic since it's my sister...
100) Does thellamasbanana do drugs? No!

quiz/survey, vacation

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