
Jun 27, 2006 21:43

So I'm afraid that the story I sent in for the Polaris anthology didn't get sent. They said they'd send a confirmation e-mail to us when they received the story, but I haven't gotten a single letter on any of the accounts I provided them with. The story's due by the last day of the month so I really need to figure out soon whether or not they got it...but it's harder to do all this because I'm not at home.

It really bothers me, and now I'm sitting here and going back over all of the things that could've gone wrong...

And this is a sure sign that I need to get to bed. I only hope that, in the morning, I'll figure out that the message did get through, or that something went right, or who knows...

Daddy, if you're reading this, will you check my e-mail on my computer at home and see if there's anything there? Thank you.

And now I'm going to do my best to try and stop worrying...I hope...

polaris, stanford, writing, vacation

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