I am novelist, hear me write!

Nov 05, 2005 21:22

So, I just hit 10,000 words. (Actually 10,568 words.) Which means I've written 20% of my novel. (Actually 21.1%.) In 16.6% of the alotted time.

I am feeling very capable and happy at the moment. I don't necessarily think that any of what I'm writing is good, but it feels good to just be able to write it, to meet those quotas. It's easy for me to do this because I'm writing it in journal form, so whenever I don't know what to write about, I just project a little more of myself onto Kae and her life. She's got two friends who have become total conglomerates of everyone I know, which I find funny. I think her older sister is possibly more like me than Kae is, but that's up for interpretation. And I'm still looking for a situation in which to characterize Kae's younger brother, Tatch. He's a bit of a troublemaker, but I haven't had a chance to show that side of him...yet.

Well, I actually am reading a book for fun (something I haven't done in a long time), so as much as I love chronicling my life for all of my friends, reading sounds like more fun right now.

Okay, disregard the above, as I have one more statement to make: I played cricket today, and my team won!

All right. Now I get to say so long to you all, good night, good luck, and happy writing to the Stephs who are doing NaNo!

nanowrimo, writing, lunar reflections

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