A life of its own...

Nov 05, 2005 13:51

So I was bored today and procrastinating shamelessly when I realized that, seeing as my novel is written in journal form, it would be really easy to organize onto a livejournal.  Three hours later, I am proud to present lunarreflection , which is (for all extensive purposes) a copy of the journal of my main character (who has now been officially named Kae).  In other words, the novel is being posted in journal increments on that journal, which has been set up specifically for this purpose.

In order to be able to keep my dates straight, I'm backdating everything.  Same dates as the ones I have in my novel...except the year starts in 1970, because LJ won't let me date entries in the future and '70 is the furthest they'll let me go into the past.  My explanation for this is that it's 1970 AE (yes, Chris, after Earth).  Because of the backdating, I don't know how effective it would be to friend the journal -- entries wouldn't probably show up on your friends page, since they're all (supposedly) from 1970.  But if you want to know what's going on with my novel, check it out.

I know there was a suggestion that I e-mail my story out to all of my friends, but somehow that seems like not the best of ideas, so I've set up this journal instead.

And now I'm going to go and try and do some homework.  Fun...

nanowrimo, writing, lunar reflections

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