Tenth Doctor does not approve of your shenanigans. (He wanted shenanigans all to himself.)

May 01, 2010 23:45

Dear lord, I am turning into one of those people -- yes, that's right, those people who post Doctor Who episode recaps/responses right after the episodes air. I don't think I've done this for a television show before, ever. But this is not just a television show. This is Doctor Who. And this week's episode requires some discussion.

Spoilers for Doctor Who 5x05 Flesh and Stone )

doctor who

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Comments 8

I have no Doctor Who icons. I think I may need to remedy this IMMEDIATELY. araine May 1 2010, 23:29:35 UTC
I probably don't have the same perspective on this as you have, considering I have only seen bits and pieces of Doctors Nine and Ten, and so the only Doctor for whom I have watched every episode is Eleven. (I plan to rectify this state of affairs this summer, when I have a whole lot more time ( ... )


Re: I have no Doctor Who icons. I think I may need to remedy this IMMEDIATELY. readingredhead May 2 2010, 10:55:35 UTC
Hehehe, I lack coherency just as much as (if not more than!) you so don't worry. But apparently I also lack brains, because for me the line about fancying someone you shouldn't didn't resonate with me AT ALL as something that could apply to the Doctor and Amy. I win the oblivious prize for that one.

And maybe "integrity" wasn't the right word to use there -- because yes, relationships DON'T make awesome ladies weak (and if they did there would be trouble in my future). It's just, seriously ladies, I can understand wanting the Doctor, but please don't jump him the night before your wedding!! Doctor is such a heartbreaker and a homewrecker. Probably I should blame him instead of/in addition to Amy?

(Also, your icon comment is identical to one I made a month ago that result in my DW icon. And I still am on the lookout for a better one.)


Re: I have no Doctor Who icons. I think I may need to remedy this IMMEDIATELY. araine May 2 2010, 19:56:35 UTC
Oh, really? To me it was like, "hahaha, she's been in love with him since she was little, y'know". (Or, well, at least this idealized hero-version of him. Which is probably a little bit what this kiss-and-pull-back bit was about, her being in love with an idealized Doctor and knowing and understanding him, but not completely. Which I think could be a direction that the show will take.)

I mean, I guess it's kind of both their faults in a way? She was the one who jumped him, after all, and we can't put her decisions in his hands. Plus, he didn't know it was her wedding - she made the choice to skip out on it. (A decision that I... don't really blame her on, personally? I dunno, your opinion my vary.) But then at the same time, he'd never really explicated this stuff either.

(And yet, I still have no icon.)


Re: I have no Doctor Who icons. I think I may need to remedy this IMMEDIATELY. readingredhead May 2 2010, 20:13:00 UTC
Okay, I don't blame him for not knowing it was her wedding. And yes, if the Doctor came down and said I could go travel with him, I'd go. But I wouldn't then come back and snog him the night before I was going to get married...? I don't think? I dunno, still working this all out in my head.


ladyvivien May 2 2010, 10:20:58 UTC
Yeah, I think she was just freaking out and she already fancied the Doctor a bit and was looking for an excuse to be self-destructive?

Although, in my current wedding planning mode, I am mostly going 'WTF WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, GALLIVANTING ACROSS TIME AND SPACE? DON'T YOU HAVE THINGS TO ORGANISE?'


readingredhead May 2 2010, 11:04:05 UTC
I do not think it can get more hilariously true than your final line. Seriously, what is she doing??


(The comment has been removed)

readingredhead May 2 2010, 20:10:21 UTC
The big deal is she's getting married in the morning. Not exactly the time for casual fun. (And yes, of course I want casual fun with the Doctor, though if Matt Smith dropped from the sky at this very moment I'd possibly complain in favor of his previous regeneration.)


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