Tenth Doctor does not approve of your shenanigans. (He wanted shenanigans all to himself.)

May 01, 2010 23:45

Dear lord, I am turning into one of those people -- yes, that's right, those people who post Doctor Who episode recaps/responses right after the episodes air. I don't think I've done this for a television show before, ever. But this is not just a television show. This is Doctor Who. And this week's episode requires some discussion.

Spoilers for Doctor Who 5x05 Flesh and Stone )

doctor who

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I have no Doctor Who icons. I think I may need to remedy this IMMEDIATELY. araine May 1 2010, 23:29:35 UTC
I probably don't have the same perspective on this as you have, considering I have only seen bits and pieces of Doctors Nine and Ten, and so the only Doctor for whom I have watched every episode is Eleven. (I plan to rectify this state of affairs this summer, when I have a whole lot more time.)

Definitely the last two minutes didn't sit well with me, simply because of the Doctor's negative reaction. The writing of that bit bothered me, to be quite honest. (If the genders had been reversed, I'm sure it would have come off as very skeevy.) To me, it felt like Amy was trying to force herself on the Doctor, and to me that definitely pushed a couple of DNW buttons, especially as it seems like Moffat is of the opinion that such overly-aggressive sexual advances are "charming", and not particularly troublesome. (And yeah, I know that there is something to be said about a woman being the aggressor in a relationship and taking control of her own sexuality, but I dunno, there were these kinda weird overtones that I wasn't too fond of.)

On the other hand, I don't think that she is compromising her integrity by being in love with the Doctor, and I'd say that this has been built up to. (Especially in the Victory of the Daleks episode, with the whole, "Ever fancied somebody you knew you shouldn't?") Personally, I don't think that this was "jumping a hapless alien professor", it was a bit more of a progression from her loving him to jumping him, probably instigated by her ordeal, but more stemming from the fact that she's been in love with this Doctor-Figure of hers since her childhood.

Of course, I am pretty naturally of the opinion that "relationships don't make awesome ladies weak in the slightest", and wanting a relationship does not take away from the awesomeness of the lady in question.

Although on the other hand, I did not like the decision to make her almost getting married. (Like, what, getting married is what her life up until then was culminating to? Was that it? It did make her decision to go with the Doctor seem a little frivolous, and not something that her life has been, y'know, leading up to until this point, as it seemed to be.) Not to mention the decision to make her job a Kiss-o-gram.

And then that darned kissing scene in question, which can come off, on one hand, as Amy Pond almost forcing herself on the Doctor, who is almost acting as the gatekeeper for her sexuality, and on both ends it's problematic. So yeah, the whole scene didn't sit well with me.

And so, I guess, for me there is a part of me that is vacillating between loving Amy Pond and everything that she chooses to be and do, ever, and hating a lot of the directorial decisions regarding her.



Re: I have no Doctor Who icons. I think I may need to remedy this IMMEDIATELY. readingredhead May 2 2010, 10:55:35 UTC
Hehehe, I lack coherency just as much as (if not more than!) you so don't worry. But apparently I also lack brains, because for me the line about fancying someone you shouldn't didn't resonate with me AT ALL as something that could apply to the Doctor and Amy. I win the oblivious prize for that one.

And maybe "integrity" wasn't the right word to use there -- because yes, relationships DON'T make awesome ladies weak (and if they did there would be trouble in my future). It's just, seriously ladies, I can understand wanting the Doctor, but please don't jump him the night before your wedding!! Doctor is such a heartbreaker and a homewrecker. Probably I should blame him instead of/in addition to Amy?

(Also, your icon comment is identical to one I made a month ago that result in my DW icon. And I still am on the lookout for a better one.)


Re: I have no Doctor Who icons. I think I may need to remedy this IMMEDIATELY. araine May 2 2010, 19:56:35 UTC
Oh, really? To me it was like, "hahaha, she's been in love with him since she was little, y'know". (Or, well, at least this idealized hero-version of him. Which is probably a little bit what this kiss-and-pull-back bit was about, her being in love with an idealized Doctor and knowing and understanding him, but not completely. Which I think could be a direction that the show will take.)

I mean, I guess it's kind of both their faults in a way? She was the one who jumped him, after all, and we can't put her decisions in his hands. Plus, he didn't know it was her wedding - she made the choice to skip out on it. (A decision that I... don't really blame her on, personally? I dunno, your opinion my vary.) But then at the same time, he'd never really explicated this stuff either.

(And yet, I still have no icon.)


Re: I have no Doctor Who icons. I think I may need to remedy this IMMEDIATELY. readingredhead May 2 2010, 20:13:00 UTC
Okay, I don't blame him for not knowing it was her wedding. And yes, if the Doctor came down and said I could go travel with him, I'd go. But I wouldn't then come back and snog him the night before I was going to get married...? I don't think? I dunno, still working this all out in my head.


Re: I have no Doctor Who icons. I think I may need to remedy this IMMEDIATELY. araine May 2 2010, 20:42:43 UTC
Haha, yeah, I dunno. I am still sorting it out, too. I suppose I'm gonna hold off judgment until next week's episode. Definitely the kiss bit threw me off guard a little bit, though.


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