What Do You Have To Say? - My Guilty Pleasure

Jan 03, 2008 14:47

Words.  Plain and simple.  Anything with words can seduce me.  Some would say far too easily.  I say, if we do not let words seduce us away from ourselves, away from this reality, then what ought we allow?  Do you have a better suggestion?

Words in many forms -- the words of a friend or a person I respect.  The words of a writer, or not.  The words of anyone who takes care with what they say, and feels a compulsive need to say it.  They say that you can't live on words alone, but I don't think I could live without them.

And really, it's not so much of a guilty pleasure as one might think -- guilty only in that, if there's one thing that can get to me, it's words.  It really is a seduction, a game played over my emotions, a tango with my beating heart.  The guilt comes later, perhaps upon rereading...but sometimes it never comes.  Then, words are simply pleasures.

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