They say I should have some resolutions

Jan 01, 2008 00:32

  1. Finish The Printer's Daughter

  2. Start a rejection collection (i.e. send short stories to publishers)

  3. Become a paid writer

  4. Learn how to dance

  5. Write a musical

  6. Learn how to play a complete song on the piano

  7. Go outside some night and just look at the stars with a friend for a few hours

  8. Take a road trip with someone new

  9. Skip school for a good reason

  10. Stop biting my nails (it had to be on there for old time's sake)

  11. Memorize more poetry

  12. Write more poetry

  13. Abolish the distinctions between literary and genre fiction

  14. Go to the east coast

  15. Elect Barack Obama

  16. Work in a bookstore

  17. Do something big without asking for permission or directions

musicals, freewriting, politics, publication, writing, travel, script frenzy, the printer's daughter

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