(no subject)

Apr 17, 2007 17:38

There was a time when I used this journal for poetry. I wish I was still living in that sort of time, but I'm not, and I just have to deal with it.

I went to the Koger study session. Very few people showed up, but that's never bugged me -- I love having time with teachers when they don't have to pay attention to a billion kids at once, and if all the Humanities kids showed up, it'd be a zoo. (Steph, I have the notes for you -- I can e-mail them if you want. Anyone else cool enough to be reading this gets them for free, but I'm considering selling them to others.)

I should be doing work right now, but (I'm sensing a recurrant theme here) I don't want to do it.

I wrote an essay about objects in the play Streetcar Named Desire and I forgot to mention the streetcar named Desire. *hits self on head* But I did write a lot, and if Dr. Chris is grading them I have a better chance than if Krucli was (for once in my life). Stylistically, the essay is pretty crappy and doesn't follow any sort of good form, and Krucli expects better of me and would ding me for it. Chris, on the other hand, will be so happy to realize I listened to what he said (or so he thinks) and he will only care about whether or not I used compound-complex sentences, so I'm less worried. It feels weird to have hand-written that essay, because all the past essays I've typed and saved to my computer, which means that I've been able to look back at them immediately after they were written. I can't do that with this one, and it's somewhat annoying.

I'm still working on a nebulous cloud of ideas that may or may not coalesce (one of my favorite words) into a good and meaningful story for Julie. I'm working on an idea set in ancient Greece, and I really wanted to use Hypatia as a main character, but I keep running into historical issues. If I'm going to set it in a real historical time period, I get the feeling that I should at least do it right.

So I was experimenting with the poll generator, and I produced this. Please help?

Poll Ages of Wonder 1

Really, I don't know how that's going to help me. Really the only thing is I'm unsure if I want to pull some Greek gods into the story or not. Because I could do it without them, and it might make more sense, but I just don't know enough Greek history to know for sure.

Aargh! As usual, so many things demand so much from me and I'm never sure if I'll have the time or strength to get them all done. But in the end, all we can do is persevere and hope that our perseverance is enough.

ages of wonder, poll, julie e. czerneda, humanities, history

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