I'm going to do this. Really.

Apr 09, 2007 11:38

So, I've figured out what I need to do if I want to make this Spring Break actually productive.  I need to figure out what I'm going to work on each day, and actually do it.  I need a schedule that says what I'm doing for the rest of the days I've got left, and includes all of the things I need to do.  So here goes an attempt at that.

  • Chemistry free-response AP problems (start)
  • Calculus AP multiple choice problems (continue)
  • Submit Statement of Legal Residence to UC Berkeley
  • mail Lowe's Scholarship
  • fill out GPA-based scholarship
  • talk to Jenny about getting sign-up form for short story clas
  • spend 30 minutes freewriting for Ages of Wonder story
  • sign up for CalSO
  • read Man and Superman (finish)
  • Calculus AP multiple choice problems (finish)
  • Chemistry free-response AP problems (continue)
  • Organize: clean computer desk
  • spend 30 minutes freewriting for Ages of Wonder story
  • Chemistry free-response AP problems (finish)
  • IB English practice commentary (poem)
  • type relevant IB History notes (start)
  • Organize: clean work desk
  • spend 30 minutes freewriting for Ages of Wonder story
  • type relevant IB History notes (finish)
  • re-read Streetcar and make notes (start)
  • study IB Spanish test, noting areas of difficulty
  • study Chemistry review in AP book
  • Organize: clean binder/folders
  • spend 30 minutes freewriting for Ages of Wonder story
  • combine IB History & AP Euro notes into study packet
  • re-read Streetcar and make notes (finish)
  • study Chemistry flashcards, making additional ones if necessary
  • Organize: clean floor space
  • spend 30 minutes freewriting for Ages of Wonder story
  • study IB Spanish, focusing on areas of difficulty
  • study history packet
  • work on sketching Star Wars poster
  • take practice AP Chem test
  • edit Perspectives and order copies
  • spend 30 minutes freewriting for Ages of Wonder story
  • study Streetcar
  • work on sketching Star Wars poster
  • create tentative class schedules for Tele-BEARS registration
  • spend 30 minutes freewriting for Ages of Wonder story

1. Thou shalt complete all assignments on any given day before proceeding to work on assignments for a future date.
2. Thou shalt actively create time in thy schedule for these things.
3. Thou shalt always work ahead if time permits.

Now let's just see how far I can follow this.

to do

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