College Decision

Mar 31, 2007 11:30

I'm going to Berkeley. I sent in my Statement of Intent to Register yesterday. I tried to send out e-mails to all of you to let you know I'm all right, and what I've decided, but I'm realizing I don't have all your addresses so I figured I'd post up here, too.

Yesterday sucked, as far as days go, but everything's over and there's no turning back now. I don't think I need condolences or congratulations any more. At least I can talk about it without feeling like crying.

Last night the thought that kept going through my head was, "I worked my ass off for this?" But this morning, it's easier to realize the answer is "Yes, sort of." Because if I hadn't worked this hard, I don't know if I would have even gotten this far. It's one of those cases, I think, where setting high expectations might be more painful, but ultimately it allows for more personal growth. At least, this is what I tell myself.

So really guys, I'm okay.  I hope you all are, too.


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