What I should be doing.

Feb 25, 2007 18:58

I should be doing my math homework, or my chemistry homework. I should be making headway on one of the long-term assignments littering my calendar. I should be reviewing what I read last week in Road to War so that I don't completely fail the quiz we'll have tomorrow. I should, I should, I should.

But I'm not. This seems to happen to me a lot. I sit around thinking about what I should be doing, even when doing those things won't happen (and wouldn't necessarily be helpful if it did). I know my own limits and abilities; I know how much I can get away with. Maybe I should start trusting my own self-knowledge?

I'd really like to sit back with some knitting and watch more West Wing. And I think that might actually be what I do. It's amazing how sometimes you do what you want without thinking about what you should do. That's the feeling you should have for your entire life.

Random Recollection #1: My dreams last night

I had one really consistent dream that went a lot of places. I saved Sadie from a car accident, out-ran Rob for something-or-other, and came face to face with Julie Czerneda. (I think Diane Duane might've been there too, and she and Julie might've been arguing over something?) Anyway, I was talking to my dad about why I didn't want to be published by Random House, because they would market a story of mine as a kid's book when it's obviously not. Dad mentioned something about Random House publishing Eragon (which I don't know if they did, but I wouldn't be surprised, I have an odd memory for these things).  Anyway, Julie walked in on me and Dad when I was explaining this to him, and saying that I'd rather be published by DAW.  For some reason when Julie heard me talking about this she felt like I was being really arrogant (which maybe I was, but only because I only thought Dad could hear me).  And then I don't know what happened.  Take that, Freud.

Random Recollection #2: My phone

I have a new phone as of today.  He's sleek and black and in need of a good name.  Corinne says he's emo and needs an emo name.  For some reason I'm thinking of Tom or Carl (yes, there is a Young Wizards theme to my thoughts).  I'm thinking he needs a literary name, because all of my tech toys end up with them sooner or later.  But he strikes me as belonging to popular literature, not anything classical.  He's pretty nifty, though.  (And I've still got the same number, though nowadays no one loses their numbers when they change phones.)

Random Recollection #3: Berkeley interview?

I showed up a week early.  That's a nice way of putting it.  I think that's the phrase I'll use from now on.

Random Recollection #4: I'd like some politics

They should make more good political dramas -- books, movies, television, real life, I don't care.  I swear it's Rick's fault, but the political scene seems so dramatic to begin with, and in a way it's enticing.  I used to be afraid of the fact that I felt like I could be a politician.  Slowly but surely this fear's going away.

Random Recollection #5: Global warming

Melissa Etheridge's song from An Inconvenient Truth is really cool, and you should all listen to it.  When she performed it at the Oscars it was really neat because they had a screen in the background with all these facts on global warming, how to reduce your carbon emissions, etc.  The last phrase on the screen was "When you pray, move your feet."  I like the call to action -- don't just wish for things, make them happen.  It's always been a motto of mine, and I'm glad to see it reflected.

Random Recollection #6: And the Oscar goes to...

I'd like to win an Oscar, I think.  How this shall be accomplished remains to be seen, but I think it would be great fun.

...and that's kinda what my life's been like lately.  Yeah.  Well, I have to wake up again tomorrow.  That's kind of annoying, but I know I'll handle it; I always do.

chemistry, politics, math, dreams, knitting, college, writing

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