What I have to do this weekend...

Feb 24, 2007 12:59

Sadly, this is gonna look a lot like a "to do" list -- maybe because it is.

--final draft of essay (due Tues.)
--Cuban Science Fiction (due next Mon.)
--Group IV project
00--lab write-up (Sat.)
00--experiment (Wed.)
00--powerpoint presentation (by next Mon.)
--IB lab write-up
--homework (due Thurs.)
--World Lit formatted (due Tues.)
--Review King Lear
--Internal Assessment first draft (due Fri.)
--Road to War reading (due Mon.)
--homework (due ?)

I've started on the internal assessment for history, and the world lit papers for English.  We're meeting about the Group IV project in Chem today (actually in about an hour) and I've mostly written up my individual lab.  My Spanish esay and the Road to War chapter are the only long-term things on this list that I haven't started yet.  But I'd better get going, especially if I want to go to the movies tonight.

Later remind me to tell the story of my Berkeley interview that's next week and not today.

science fiction, english, scholarships, history, to do, chemistry, math, spanish, college

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