So. I'm apartment hunting. Not getting anywhere yet because there's not much out there at the moment; even the apartments I *don't* want are thin on the ground.
I do have a lead on one, in a great location. It's probably too small, but I don't know yet, because the razzenfrazzen broker who shows the place hasn't gotten back to me. I can't nag her directly, because I don't have her number, but I did call the management company back this morning to inquire again. The woman there remembered me and promised to send over the information again. But I want to kno-ow!
I had hoped to look at the place this morning, while I'm off, but it was not to be.
I do have flexibility in my move date--if this drags on until next year I'll cope--but I hate the uncertainty. Also, all my books are packed, plus most of my fabric. (I did leave enough out to have something to work with this winter if I don't move this fall.)
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