I have Verizon DSL at home. It's fine.
I want to get a wireless router, so I can connect my Nook from home. Verizon insists you use theirs. Fine. I have no problem with that.
I've checked their website in the past; it looks as if they have several kinds available. Fine.
Today, I go to their website to order one. After following endless blind loops around and around, I click the Contact link. None of the potential questions under Internet take me anywhere useful; the Live Chat windows that they lead to say they're just for technical issues. So I give up on the pre-set options and enter my question in the space provided. They give me a phone number to call. Excuse me?!!! I have to f---ing CALL them??!!! I can't just order one online? Or send them an email? What a crock.
After a bit more poking around, I click the link for the virtual assistant. None of the pre-set answers there yield useful information, so I again type in my question about ordering a wireless router for my DSL. The answer? "We don't sell them, we provide them with the service." But they don't just read my mind and know I want that service, I still have to *order* it. What a completely useless piece of customer "service".
I guess eventually I'll calm down enough to make the f---ing phone call. I HATE doing business over the phone. And I already know that Verizon's phone system is completely bloody awful.
Crossposted from
dreamwidth, where there are
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