Apr 01, 2007 10:14
I had a rather radical idea recently that I can't quite shake. There's probably hidden flaws that haven't occurred to me yet, and I think I've decided against it anyway, but I would like to bounce it off you and get some feedback.
Here's the deal: I pay more than $60 a month for cable TV so that I can watch about three shows on SCI FI. And that's it--that's all I watch. I occasionally mark other stuff in TV Guide but (almost) never actually bother to watch any of it.
It occurred to me that it would be cheaper to cancel the cable subscription altogether and just buy the DVD sets of any shows that look like they might appeal to me. At approximately $50 apiece (most are less, a few are more), I could buy twelve a year and still be paying less than I am now. And I have *never* watched more than five or six shows in a year. Three is typical. I estimate that I would save at least $400 a year doing it this way. $500, if I decided to cancel my TV Guide subscription, too. If I end up buying a few shows I don't like after all, I'd still be ahead.
The downside: I wouldn't be watching them when they're new, so I'd have to avoid discussions and other spoilers in the meantime. For shows I'm already hooked on, it would be a longer wait for new episodes. This is probably the main drawback from my point of view.
Also, it would mean I wouldn't really be able to watch TV if something came up that had to be watched live. I can't quite think of anything except Olympic figure skating, but that's only every four years and a fairly mild interest anyway. What else? I get news from my computer and newspapers, even when something big is going on. Am I missing anything?