Jul 18, 2013 06:43

Don't read the comments. At least not until it's possible to punch people through the internet.

In other good news, Habibi is doing extremely well at the moment. I have her on a sensitive diet and she's not having any colitis problems. She is a fabulous boisterous girl with an extremely loud purr and forces face-cuddles upon me at 5am. However she and Zara have had a few tiffs lately. What sparks it off is seeing another cat in their territory, whom I have dubbed 'Big Zara' on account of the fact she has very similar markings to Z but it much bigger. So I've moved the position of the cat food I leave out for the stray somewhere that hopefully the girls won't see intruders. I suspect Big Zara is eating it anyway, and I know for a fact she's not a stray. Her owner lives a couple of doors down and also has a pretty little oriental.

We're having a heatwave! I am extremely brown. Hoping it holds out for my friend's traditional birthday nigh BBQ on Saturday. I remember last year (was it really a year?!) we were in the garden at 10 and it was still light-ish. I love summer. It makes me much happier. All celebrations should be moved to summer. There's no point in having Christmas in winter when everyone's freezing and depressed. It just feels ironic.

news, personal, cats, media

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