I am diving into the users who think absinthe is interesting once again, as I will from time to time, only because I set a precedent for it during the First Attempt to read every LiveJournal. Back in 2004, wow, I tried to plow through the entire list from A-Z, but since LiveJournal doesn't list users into an interest alphabetically I'm approaching it differently. I'm also making sure I haven't read any of these journals over again (not that I won't re-read a journal, just cause).
freeq I saw the big boobed cartoon icon and it made me think of my ex who like the same kind of big boobed cartoon icon and it turned out that my ex and
freeq have a lot in common.
nullcherri That's a big gun.
theklute I know exactly what you mean on 6/4 about Eli Roth. Every storytelling convention that he tried to subvert in Hostel proved that there are reasons why those conventions exist, not just for horror movies, but for all narratives.
desertstarchild This is the kind of friends only journal that I like to run into. It has enough posts on the outside so that you get an idea where that person is on the inside. The story about the origin of the journal name on the profile is amazing, and similar to interactions with higher beings I've had.
zurx I thoroughly hate MySpace, I support everyone else who does too. I'm also glad to run into a fellow Howard devotee.
brangwy Recently someone I knew, maybe not closely but close enough, made the same decision as your friend. And all I can think is that if they suffer so much maybe it's better that they escape rather than suffer through it, but the havoc in their wake is interminable. Another friends only journal that provides a good idea of what's inside.
silversolitaire Hahaha...Nn…Dense Chest Hair!!
bexone list "freedom from internet witchhunts" as an interest, which I'm all for. I'm also for another interest listed, "incompetent lying poopyheads".
silverblue Considering you comments on 6/1 makes me want to express my own fears about my novel being invalidated by work that is similar, might seem similar, could be called similar, or, worse than any of those, that my novel will be called an outright plagiarism. The only thing answer I've come up with is that we have to write what we write, and hope the publishers don't notice, or make sure what we write is so much better than our inspirations that the offended authors would be laughed at to claim they'd written such mastery.
loqia The warning on the profile promote and die makes me a little scared to post the receipt as normal. I don't want the receipt system to been seen as promoting, though there is potential for it to be seen as such. Also, I don't want to die. Do the receipts come off as promotion? I really hope not. ※
The denial of service attack is finally over and I can post again, I hope.