(no subject)

Jun 04, 2007 22:53

May 2007
Not a bad month but not an altogether good month either. I only read 45 journals. It's not like I didn't take two weeks off, but there are no excuses. I'll never complete the Mission if that's all I can squeeze out in 30 days. At 45 journals a month it will take me almost 40000 months to finish. At that rate I won't be done for over 3000 years. I've got to do better than that if I want to meet the expected date of completion of December 25 2015. It's go time.

Some things I noticed this month.

Lots of people are using the Expressive theme's Poe layout. There are about a hundred variations of Expressive out there but it looks like most people are using the gothy graveyard with lots of black and red because it's the creepiest next to the pink one with the kitty.

Did altering the comments buttons just fall off? It seems like there are lots more journals without altered comments buttons than there used to be. I'd guess it's because of the advent of S2 which allows less room to modify than S1. But even still, my other journal is in S2 and I changed the
comments buttons. I dunno.

Also, the random search function is stupid. It apparently has a fetish for a certain journal and something else to be discussed below.

[EDIT 6/16] And how could I forget to note that while I was busy reading the free journals of the world LiveJournal was conducting its own reading project, like mine done with no prior warning for the journal owners. The similarities end there.

The way the scheduling works out Mondays have unofficially become No Journal Left Behind day. If there were any reason to hate this day before those reasons are now gone.

Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out
Why do more random searches turn up Russian LiveJournals? Try it. Find out. I haven't run any through Babel Fish. I don't want to be a douche. I have only listed two of them, both this month, as read.

Journal of the Month of May Award
Too many excellent nominees. I'd make a poll for you to decide but this isn't a paid account. Maybe it's time I did something about that. But not right now. Now is for the choosing of the winner. Plus, it's rent week.

OK. colorwhirl. There you have it. I would have had the good news to you on your birthday but the denial of service attack took me a few extra days to get this post up. colorwhirl wins for making this quote about the Mission: This project has the potential to be rather creepy, but it's not. Your award entitles you to nothing, save praise. Honorable mentions for pharminatrix and cosmogonic.

Starting with colorwhirl I'm going to notify all the winners of the JotM. This way they are fully aware of the honor. It will be another form receipt, like this:

You just won the Journal of the Month Award for insert month here at readalljournals!
Your award entitles you to nothing, save praise.

monthly wrap-up

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