Today is the one-year anniversary of NoJoLB. It's not now as it was when.
Renewed but remaining the same, it means to reach no less then everyone,
and if that's not possible, everyone else than all.
Minimal wisdom gathered, hundreds of strangers met, opinions polarized,
two sub-missions still unachieved:
*Finding the journal of anyone I lost contact with in life
*Meeting someone whose journal by chance I have read so I can say
"Yes, I'm familiar with your work."
These two users love one year anniversaries.
geekartist: You have to think that playing GTA and Medal of Honor type video games gives you some strategic edge, but I wouldn't say they deliberately train players to be killers. Without more evidence. If there was a way to trace the money behind games back to, say, the Pentagon, I'd think different.
panuelochica: Full nights of sleep are over-rated. Adjust to five hours and you will do fine. I thought that only Björk (being Queen of Elves) was able to wear swans as clothing.
Found using the random search feature:
angelo: The post on 4/17 is a little personal NoJoLB more positive than I was to my flist. Am I a dick? My aim is so not trying to be a dick. Also, Evolution must have been a failed Ghostbusters III script with "aliens" and "The Origin of Species" substituted for "demons" and "Tobin's Spirit Guide" at every occurrence.
spanishissexy: I will be killed by a ghost in the night for carrying out the Mission. Godspeed, gentle friends!
justachorusgirl: I think that science students grad or undergrad must be the hardest working people in colleges and the difference makes liberal arts degrees seem insignificant. Deconstruction makes less mess than dissection and the only chemicals involved are recreational.
chrispille: This speaks to the Mission: If you don't know me, then you should talk to me to find things out instead of reading this. I find that you learn more about a person that way than if you just read what they put on a livejournal info page.
mcmlxxi: Translation: 1971. I was in a one bar and had the last Guinness of a keg. At the next bar I had the first Guinness of a new keg. It was Christmas Eve. It was beautiful.