Cleaning out the bathroom I realize my
Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap is about done. If you haven't experienced this soap I highly recommend it, on freakishness alone, regardless of no animal testing and all organic ingredients. It claims at being "100% Cruelty Free in Bars and Liquid" and an "18-in-1 Hemp Peppermint Pure-Castile Soap".
First time I used it in the shower I soaped up, the entire body, but started with the balls because they crave and generally deserve the most attention. As I went on soaping arms, legs, neck, thorax I felt something. Not hurting really, but invasive, an invasive sensation. An invasive sensation in the balls. It was the soap and it somehow entered my body at the testicles, infusing them with an icy-hotness of the BenGay order.
Reading the bottle later I found the instructions about diluting the soap to this effect: "Dilute! Dilute! or Wet Skin Well! OK!" I also found a bit of disturbing religious propaganda. "The whole World is our country, our Fatherland, because all mankind are born its Citzens! We're all Brothers and Sisters because One, ever-loving Eternal Father is our ony God, our only Religion, that Reunites God's legion! For we're ALL-ONE OR NONE." Tract like this, in near microscopic print, covers the Bottle. It sounds heavily Rastafarian, but I haven't read the whole Bottle yet.
elleellen: Used "nerdular"! My journal is shallow bullshit! Woooo! Disagree.
heycolanosax: News article lister/commentator journal. I am surprised I haven't read more of these this time. Last time it was every other journal. There is another journal like this on this list though.
holygalaga: it seems like everybody on the internet has such intense lives!! They're lying. Totally full of shit. If they thought of it first, they'd be reading all journals.
jess_s: (II) All the previous re-reads were on purpose. This is the first time a journal I already got to was on an interest list and in the way again.
jess_s didn't respond the last time and I'm sure after this will consider me a stalker. Not the case. This was a first, and I almost decided to suppress it, on the grounds of assumed stalker stigma (ASS).
lastgasm: Coolest name lately.
possumbane: Coolest bio lately: Every six months I get the uncontrollable urge to open my window at night. The ground covers over with a foot deep of fog and a five foot tall boar puts its head in my window. He says, "I shall use my tusk to cut your thigh artery wide open. Physic does not exist heal such a wound."
And I say, "I've not yet found my true love."
He snorts and leaves for another half of a year.
skipyhigh: Coolest background image lately. Reminds me of the disaster my college years were. Fantastic!: i know that i read the way that alcholics drink. i read in secret....
thegoldfishpool: In this society, art follows a class path. You, as an artist can come from any social background. Art is what someone who buys your work calls it. This person usually owns a gallery. The owner then convinces others of the merits of the work, thereby raising its monetary value. This is done at parties where the very rich and the very poor attend, both becuase of the open bar. The convinced people with money will buy more of the work themselves, the poor will spread the word below, and some from both columns may even teach respect of your art in universities. Soon, grad students are teaching it at community colleges. Pop culture may take an interest if you're criticized by a politician, or if you date a celebrity. You might be referenced on The Simpsons. The person who owns most of your work will get it insured for millions of millions of dollars and then a mysterious warehouse fire will destroy most of that collection. Or else everything an artist from any social strata calls art is art. Like NoJoLB. Brilliant. And free.
zeldakitty: So wish I was in New Orleans now. Bugs must be getting crazy though.
I think it got soap in my eyes.