Feb 14, 2009 10:31
Today is Mommy's birthday! Which means less than a month until (dum dum da DUMMMMM)
my birthday.
Which is on Friday the 13th.
If I didn't have such an awesome yesterday I might actually be worried about this.
I suppose I should update on myself since quite a lot has changed since last month.
1) I quit Staples (they stopped scheduling me pending a phone call or something retarded, so I just stopped going) I miss some people, but I'm facebook/myspace/lj friends with most of them anyway.
2) I picked up more hours at Rice (school job) and I am being promoted and given a raise. Note that I am still making less money than I did at Staples, but I don't have to drive an hour to get there and an hour to get back, I live 30 feet from the building and I am above all appreciated for what I do. Bonus: My resume is gonna be THE SHIT when I'm done.
3) I stopped going to physical therapy because my body is "in the normal range of motion" but I still get back pain/weakness and stuff so I'm gonna have to figure that one out soon.
4) Mike and I are HAVING A BABY
5) Just kidding... Mike is actually the one having a baby. I'm not quite sure how/where it's going to come out though anatomy-wise. He keeps craving sweet pickles and butter pecan ice cream so it's kind of annoying going to the grocery store all of the time... but I love him anyway.
6) Have I mentioned that I really haven't been sleeping?
7) School is going fairly well, I'm taking this awesome self defense class so if any of you decide to attack me I may actually have a chance of surviving. My senior seminar class is going to kill me because I can't get any NPOs to respond to me and I have to have this proposal in by next Saturday. Other than that I love all of my classes and my professors are awesome. Notre Dame is awesome. I have yet to have any doubts that my transfer here was the best decision I could make. (Just wait til the bill comes in)