- Alessio Garavello has quit both of his bands to do something else. He was really the only reason for me to pay attention to Power Quest, Ground Control, or Arthemis. Ah well. I hope he finds whatever it is that he's look for.
- Plushy Sephiroth, you shall be mine! *evil laugh*
http://tinyurl.com/lcunxr - Happy Birthday to Nikola Tesla! The only true inventor of the radio. That tosser Marconi stole it like the bastard that he is. Even the Supreme Court ruled in Tesla's favor. Too bad the textbooks say nothing of this.
- Finally bought my plane ticket to Atlanta for ProgPower X. Paid $330 which isn't too bad considering. Though the earliest I can get into Atlanta is 1:50pm which I think is too late for the doors opening. I'll have to email Glenn to find out. I'll only be there from Thursday (9/10) to Sunday (9/13). Atlanta doesn't interest me in the slightest so I'm leaving as soon as the festival is over. In fact, my hotel is right next to the airport. Convenient, eh?
- I'm of half a mind to make a wallpaper of just pictures of Tony playing Elias' guitar on stage. I have like 70+ pictures of them doing that including the ones I took from Wacken. Might be fun to smash them all together in one big slashy mess. Mmmmm, slashy mess :D
Speaking of slashy.....