Apologies in advance, this post isn't going to make much (if any) sense to anyone but
harpisan So, apparently we've officially finished classes. Where on earth did this year go? I swear, they keep going faster and faster. (I know, I sound like an old woman) Now it's headlong into study, practice, ensemble rehearsals, and more practice.
Our classes today pretty much summed up the year - in more ways than one. There is the obvious revision/speed learning for the exams - but there were also some great calls. Particularly by vocalist J, who manages to crack us all up. It's not that she says things that are entirely original (although they can be) but she has a great sense of comic timing, and phrasing. So funny.
(her rendition of the song featured in my title is gold - check out the original here though
Two classic calls made today by J.
J: If I get sick, I am going to kill something.
S: Can we offer suggestions of people for you to kill? Say, J?
J: *thinks* No, the world deserves to be subjected to him.
G: No one speaks German? Really?
J: That surprises you *every* time!
G: *laughs for 5 minutes straight*
It's about time he actually noticed that he asks some variant of that every class =P
He came up with some gems today too.
'They do street shows, and people watch, and throw buttons at them'
'We're going to listen to 'Verklarte Nacht' today. I want to prove that this guy could actually compose.' (the closest thing we'll ever get to him admitting he doesn't like a form of classical music)
Accidentally apt description of the day: 'mindless understanding'
*chuckles* It works on so many levels.
AND one last random thing, *sings*
http://xkcd.com/193/I love that website. Seriously. The 'mouse-over' text made my day.
Now I have a strange desire to watch 'Bring It On' again. Tehehe. Thanks facebook mum.
I must be off now, considering it's 10:30 and I haven't actually done any work. In theory that should be easier without my laptop - but in reality I just hog the home computer. *sigh*