Movies 2011

Jan 06, 2011 22:44

I was just out with Andrea and Jason for coffee night and we were discussing upcoming movies we're excited about... here are trailers to a few of the one's I want to see:

Paul. YES! Finally a third in the "Two British Buddies" movies. And it's got Seth Rogan, Bill Hader and Kristin Wiig (and a ton of other awesome people!) YESSS!

THOR! I was more intrigued by the fact that Kenneth Branagh was directing a Marvel comic book movie but not enough to want to really see the movie (well I did, but more of a "it's another piece in the Avengers buildup" sort of way), AND THEN I SAW THE TRAILER. Chris Hemsworth... yeaaahhhh :D Hot Nordic dude. And Anthony Hopkins is always awesome. And I forgot Natalie Portman is the chick in this, hahaha... she's getting a lot of work this year...

Cowboys vs. Aliens. Such a goofy concept, it looks like it'll be a lot of fun, if anything.

Pirates 4! When I first heard/saw making of stuff I really thought I was out of the pirates phase, it made no impact on me... but then I saw the trailer and it all came back, stupid idiot grin and all. Maybe not as strong, but I really just enjoy these movies (though the first will always be the best...)

Also, though who knows when this will come out:
Captain America in July! YES! Awesome casting, can't wait for a trailer (it's gotta be coming soon...) I love Marvel!

Cabin in the Woods (I didn't realize Chris Hemsworth was in this as well........ I wonder if this will affect how the Avengers will role out what with Joss directing it and all... he usually has good relationships with his cast)

and at the end of the year
THE MUPPETS! JASON SEGEL, PAUL RUDD, JACK BLACK. This movie... is going to (HOPEFULLY) bring on the Great Muppet Revival. In the words of Kermit the Frog... "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!"

I just ran through a list of movies coming out this year and didn't realize X-Men First Class was scheduled for June 3rd... so there's also that... and a bunch of other movies involving aliens and apparently a Hugh Jackman one that sounds like Rocky... with robots. O.o;;;

There are... a lot of really weird movies coming out. ...YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! *flails arms*
-The Captain

movies, movie trailers, videos, comic book nerdiness

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