Apr 08, 2008 00:12
So, I was home over the weekend. Not much happened, but I did get my hair cut, got a new bed, and watched Enchanted which was rather cute and I enjoyed the various cameos from the VAs of other Disney princesses. Ummm...
Finally called Granny (and Aunt Jan) today and told her not to worry about Graduation. I think she's kind of lonely. She seemed overjoyed to talk to me when she called back. She's so cute, especially when she told me about how great her birthday gift from Alice was: Season One box set from the original Star Trek series. And she wasn't upset about the whole not-walking-in-college-graduation thing like my parents thought she would be. Which is just dandy with me. I think I'll visit her more this summer (especially if I'm looking for a new job up around Oak Park).
I can't wait to come home and be done with school. I only need to finish two papers and take my exams, so I'm not overloaded with work this semester (I really do love the stress-free-ness of it. I've finally had some time to write for myself :D). Plus, I'll finally have a decent bed and a decent break (I'm going to Arizona for a long weekend around the 8-13th) before going back to work. Gotta start paying off loans, and saving for Ireland.
I'm excited. Next spring my family is going to Ireland for a week or so. I'm hoping I'll be able to take a side-trip to England and maybe visit London while we're there.
And, just putting it out there: Anyone know anyone who is looking for an editor or writer of any sort???
I'd like to do a bit of freelance work writing to get experience, now that I'm free of the school...
all-around awesomeness