Snowpocalypse blindness!

Jan 28, 2009 18:47

As I sat at my desk doing school-type work and waiting for the snow disaster yesterday, something fell into my right eye and ruined all the enjoyment I would have otherwise gained from a snow day.  That something scratched up my cornea pretty bad and stinky_monky  had to drive me through the blizzard to an urgent care place, where I got some eyedrops that temporarily numbed the pain and a really lame eyepatch.  At first, when the doctor said I'd have to wear an eyepatch for 24 hours s_m and I looked at each other mischievously, imagining plunder on the high seas.  The reality was not nearly as fun:

So today, as lots of people got to play outside in the snow and slide off roadways, I got to squint at the TV (when the satellite didn't go out from the storm) and doze in the recliner.  Which is the kind of day I often dream of halfway through a quarter, but since the next two quarters are going to be really busy I could have used the day off to catch up on grant applications or dissertation research or lecture writing or...

FYI, things that are difficult to do without depth perception (so far):
  • Type on a laptop
  • Plug in any electrical appliance
  • Squirt the cat when he claws the couch
  • Adjust the water temperature in the shower in a crisis situation
  • Guide food and beverages into my mouth
Ooh, it's almost time for another round of antibiotic drops and to take off the eyepatch for good!  I'm off...

weather, health

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