Jun 18, 2008 14:22
Author: rdave1
Spoilers: Everything up to Season 4 Mid-Season finale is fair gaem
Characters/pairings: Lee/Kara, like I would write anything else
Disclaimer: I don't own BSG or any of its characters, props or stages. If I did things would be so different between Lee and Kara.
Summary: Major speculation on my part of what will happen in the future between Lee and Kara, of course.
Author's Note: This is my very first story that I am posting. I haven't written anything with chapter as I have no patience or displine to make my self do it. But you never know. Lee and Kara have gotten some creative juices flowing in my brain. As I am new I would love any type of feedback just so I know if its good or bad or all just in my head. Enjoy!
The Study
A little boy walks the halls of his home towards his father’s study. His mother had told him that his father was waiting for him in there. To a boy that young the walk of a few feet was an eternal trek not knowing what awaited him on the other end. The blonde boy couldn’t have been more three or four years old but his fierce blue eyes held wisdom beyond his young years. As his tiny hands reached the handle on the door, he turned once more to face his mother who with a nod of her head told him to go in. As he stepped through the door into the study the last thing he saw was a smirk on his mother’s face.
She couldn’t help but smile at the memory of a day long ago, as her son walked into her husband’s study. She was standing behind him in then Admiral Adama’s office talking about how empty it looked without its occupants mainly the Old Man and Roslin present. He was looking at a picture of the Temple of Aurora in the book of Pythia and I told him we will walk those halls together on Earth one day. That one day had come; we had walked those halls or what was left of it, hand in hand. He stared at his father’s chair and told me a story of when he was young boy; how his mother used to tell him that his father was waiting for him in his study. She had watched his face as he relieved those memories and people of a time that seemed so long ago. She could just imagine him walking that distance with his head held high, those damn blue eyes ready for whatever was to come but she knew that if you look hard enough in those eyes you could tell if he was petrified or not. Pure Lee even at that age, never showing any fear not matter how scared he was. But she had mastered that skill when it came to President Lee Adama. He had taken over again after President Laura Adama’s death.
As she stood there watching the door to the study, she wondered if like their son, Zak would their second child, hopefully a girl, would fear the dreaded beckoning to the study, also. Kara Thrace Adama, one of the highest ranking officers in the re-established Colonial military on Earth, hoped so because it is moments like these that make life worth living.
For Kara Thrace Adama life as a wife and a mother was definitely worth living; the past, the future didn’t matter on days like today, only the moment you are living right now. Kara moved out of her thought and went to see what new toy required just a father and son moment and it better not be pyramid ball because that’s still my game.
The End