Греческие амбиции накануне «Малоазиатской катастрофы» (греч. Μικρασιατική καταστροφή).

Aug 28, 2013 13:04

Степень ответственности английских политиков...
Greater Greece. Nick Danforth, Georgetown University.

... Если бы Турция не смогла вернуть себе территории, оккупированные Грецией?..

This French map shows Greater or Megali Greece at the moment it appeared to have become a reality. In 1919 the British, worried about resistance from Turkish nationalists as well as the possibility that Italian forces would try to seize Izmir, encouraged their allies the Greeks to land troops in Izmir and take possession of part of Asia Minor. Greeks had long claimed this territory, based both on its Greek-speaking, Orthodox population and its historical importance in the classical age. Famously, the Greek landing coincided with Mustafa Kemal's journey to Samsun, after which he established control of the nascent Turkish nationalist movement. The British were all too eager to see Greek forces try to solidify their territorial gains by advancing into Anatolia to crush the nationalist movement. When this effort failed catastrophically, Greek forces were driven out of Anatolia and ultimately forced to abandon the territory they had gained in Thrace as well. The Bosphorus and Dardanelles, as well as the region around them, are marked here as under international control as per the treaty of Sevres. It is hard to look at this map and not wonder how enduring a Greek victory in 1922 really could have been. Given the geographic and demographic dynamics, would Turkey have inevitably retaken this territory anyways?

Smyrna 1922. from Davidian Video Productions.

"The Great Fire of Smyrna is the name commonly given to the fire that ravaged Izmir/Smyrna from 13 to 17 September 1922. Turkish armed forces systematically burned the city and killed Greek and Armenian inhabitants. This is based on extensive eyewitness evidence from Western troops sent to Smyrna during the evacuation, foreign diplomats/relief workers based at Smyrna and Turkish sources." - Wikipedia.org

Robert Davidian's grandfather, George Magarian, born in 1895, educated at the American College at Konya, Turkey and, later, director of the Konya YMCA, filmed Smyrna, Turkey, immediately after it's genocidal destruction.

The resulting 35mm edited nitrate film was hidden in my grandmother's apartment in NYC for 60 years. I was lucky to transfer it to digital before it completely disintegrates. -Robert Davidian 5 March 2008

Three years ago, I met with Fulbrighter, film maker Maria Iliou, in Washington DC to restore the film and transfer it to HD video at Colorlab. This was an initiative by Iliou & PROTEAS, funded by PROTEAS, a Greek not for profit company, that has been saving archival materials about SMYRNA and THE EXCHANGE all around the world the last 3 years. I gave them permission to include this material in their two projects, SMYRNA and EXCHANGE, that will be opening at the BENAKI MUSEUM in December 15th 2011 (SMYRNA) and February 12th 2012 (EXCHANGE) a first presentation of those images in Greece to be done by my agreement. It is a Maria's Iliou and PROTEAS initiative, funded by BODOSSAKIS FOUNDATION, JF COSTOPOULOS FOUNDATION, ARGYROS FOUNDATION, NICHOLAS BOURAS FOUNDATION, JIM CHANOS, ROY & DIANE VAGELOS FOUNDATION. - Robert Davidian 19 April 2011

Резня в Смирне.

Вели́кая иде́я (греч. Μεγάλη Ιδέα - Мегали Идэа) - ирредентистская концепция греков под игом Османской империи (Τουρκοκρατία), подразумевавшая реставрацию Византийской империи с центром в Константинополе. В среде греческой знати Константинополя (фанариотов) в XVIII-XIX веках её осуществление часто мыслилось посредством постепенной аккумуляции власти в Османской империи в руках греков, игравших видную роль в управлении и торговле империи.
Термин Μεγάλη Ιδέα впервые прозвучал в речи премьер-министра Греции Иоана Колеттиса во время дебатов о Конституции, провозглашённой в 1844 году[1].
В более узком смысле, может обозначать неудавшийся план аннексии Западной Анатолии и Восточной Фракии греческим государством под руководством Венизелоса.
Концепция использовалась в военно-политических планах России, в частности в «греческом проекте» Екатерины II...

Greece in the Treaty of Sèvres.


Хроника, Турция, Карты, Война, Греческий вопрос

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