"Итальянцы наступают, или не дразни льва!" Иллюстрированные материалы об итало-турецких отношениях

Aug 28, 2013 12:27

Две заметки Ника Данфорта (Nick Danforth) на английском:
The Italians are Coming. Nick Danforth, Georgetown University.
Embarrassing as it might be to think back on in retrospect, for much of the 1930s Turkish statesmen were quite concerned about the possibility of an Italian invasion. After taking Libya from the Ottoman Empire, Italy occupied part of Anatolia after World War One and maintained control of Rhodes and the other Dodecanese Islands just off the coast throughout the interwar period. Mussolini's talk of rebuilding a new Roman Empire in the Mediterranean became even more concerning during World War Two when Turkey, as can be seen to the left, found itself surrounded. Greek Thrace appears as "Unter Bulgar Verwaltung," which even without knowing German sounds bad, and even the Greek islands not formally colonized by Italy were under Axis control.
This map, then, shows Turkish plans for countering an Italian invasion during the war, sketched out in pencil on a map of Anatolian mountain ranges. As with so many of the random Ergenokon documents that turn up, it's impossible to know if this represents an official military plan or just something some guy drew, but it does suggest a few interesting things about Turkish strategic thinking at the time. Mudafaa Bolgeleri, or defensive regions, are sketched out parallel to the coast a little ways inland from potential landing zones, while a second defensive line is drawn further east running from the Sakarya River down through Afyon Karahisar. Also intriguing is the fact that, despite Turkey's success in defending the Dardenelles during World War One, they seem to assume that Italian forces will be able to pass through and land along the shores of the Sea of Marmara.

Don't Touch the Lion. Posted by Nicholas Danforth.
(По-русски и не без иронии интересней первести - "Не дразни собаку", впрочем, всё гораздо серьёзнее, но вряд ли Италия решилась бы напасть на Турцию)

In the proud tradition of American "don't tread on me" flags comes a piece of nationalist bravado from 1939 warning Italy what happens to those who covet Turkish territory. As some of our previous maps illustrate, the threat of an Italian attack was taken very seriously at this time, especially in light of bellicose Italian poems like the one below. In addition to some nice map-themed graphics and illustrations by the incomparable Munif Fehim, "Bu Aslana Dokunmayın" features a poem weaving together different historical eras and nationalist symbols - the Hittites, Atilla, Barbarosa and the Janissaries - to convey the fundamental message of all nationalist literature: we raped your ancestors and if provoked we will do it again. The full poem, a cursory translation and selected illustrations below:

The book begins with a selection from an Italian poet:

Allunghiamo la nostra via / Prenderemo la Turchia / E se le cose vanno bene / Andiamo in Atene
Andiamo per Atina / Per Pasare vita fina / Prederemo il Pireo / Anche tutte mar Egeo!

We'll open the way, to take Turkiye, And perhaps follow through, and take Athens too
On next to Athens for a life that is swell, Then to Pireaus, and the Aegean as well.

This was the response:

Sordunuz mu, Türkiye neresidir, nerdedir? / Türkler, hangi ulustur? bunu öğrendiniz mi?
Gözünüz, çizmenizden çok uzak illerdedir. / Bilir misiniz o yer, bir toprak mi, [d]eniz mi?

Have you asked where is Turkey? Where? What people are these Turks?
You're eyes are on a land far from home. Do you know that place? Is it a land or a sea?*

Italyan şairleri, dinleyini oyleyse, / Öyle bir toprakıir ki Anadolu illeri:
Onun bir kayasına yabancı parmak değse / Taa.. Havaya saçilir kemiğinin külleri!

Listen Italian poets, if it's like that. Anatolia's lands are such that
If someone lays a finger on them, their charred bones will be scattered to the winds.
Sizin o, Vezuv'unuz, nasil Milat'tan once / Ateş lavlar puskurup yakmışsa Pompei'yi
Bizim de yureğimiz, yabancı el değince / Dünyayı yakar, durur... Bunu biliniz iyi!

Like your Vesuvius threw lava and fire in the air and burned Pompeii
Our heart too will, if touched by a foreign hand, burn the world. Know this well.

Oyle bir denizdir ki, o Turkiye topragi / Içine dalanları girdaplarında boğar!
Efesinin ğöğsü, koca bir dağ / Bozkırlısın gözü, yıldırımları koğar.

Turkey is a sea that swallows and drowns those who enter in its whirlpools.
Its heroes' chests are like mountains, their eyes throw thunderbolts.

Bilir misiniz, kimdir, Turk denilen bu ulus, / Bilir misinz, kimin, goz diktiniz yurduna
Siz bizi, dedenizin dedesine sorunuz / Söz atmayın Asyanin yırtıcı Bozkurduna

Do you know who these people called Turks are? Do you know whose homeland you cast covetous glances at?
Ask your great grandfathers about us. Don't tease Asia's fearsome grey wolf.

Bu ulus, bir zamanlar o guzel Roma'nızın / Onunde at koşturan Atilla neslindendir..
Bu ulus, Venedik'te kanına bin bir kızın, / Türk tohumu aşlayan, Türk tohumu ekendir!

This nation is descended from Atilla, who charged the gates of your Rome,
This nation is the one that planted and sowed Turkish seed in the blood of a thousand Venetian girls.

Hele karıştır biraz, ananın anasının / gönlünde hangi aslan yeniçeri yatiyor!.
Venedik sularının, Sicilya adasının / Ruzgari, dinlesene, bak, neler anlatiyor.

Ask around, what Janissary lion rests in your great grandmother's heart.
Listen to the waters of Venice or the winds of Sicily and see what stories they tell.

Atilla'nin biz öyle oğluyuz ki, bir zaman, / Roma'niza akmışız., Yeniden akarız da!
Biz karşı koyanın, dinlemenden hic aman / canlarını yakmışız.. Yeniden yakarız da!

We are the sons of Atilla that once rode on Rome, and we'll ride on it again.
We burned the souls of those who came against us without mercy, and we'll burn them again

Omzunda testi testi su tasiyan Sicilya / Kızlarının bilirz gönlüne de girmeyi..
Yigit döller isteyen Italyali anaya, / Biliriz, Turk kanindan yigit döller vermeyi!

We know how to win the hearts of Sicilian women with water jugs on their shoulders.
We know how to give heroic children of Turkish blood to Italian mothers who want to sire heroes.

Kaç Andrea Dorya'nin - gemiler batırarak / Mezarını kazmışız.. Yeniden kazarız da!.
Deniz tarihimize zaferden altın yaprak, / Altın sayfa yazmışız, yeniden yazarız da!

How many Andrea Dorias have we sunk? We'll sink them again.
We have written golden pages in our maritime history and we will write them again.

Fakat artik bunların birini istemeyiz, / Bize yeter bu vatan, bu su, bu gökkubbeler...
Göz dikmeyin bu yurda, istemeyin bunu siz, / Arslanlar arslanına dokunmayin kahpeler! (30/5/939)

But we do not want any of this. This country, this land, this sky is enough for us.
Don't covet our land, don't wish for all of this. Don't touch the lion of lions, whores!

Турция, Карты, Война, english, Турецкий след, Пропаганда, Иллюстрации, turkish, Италия

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