Турецкая разведка о советских военных школах, 1926-1927

Aug 28, 2013 11:59

Seeing Red: Military Intel in Early Republican Turkey and the Soviet Union. Posted by Chris.
Данные турецкой военной разведки о военных школах Красной Армии.

Russian Military Schools

Крис также обращает внимание на то, что карты были найдены в Посольстве Турции в Тегеране, предполагая, что в период улучшения отношений между Ираном и Турцией в 20-х годах (1926), военные разведки южных соседей Советской России могли сотрудничать, в частности при создании представленной карты...

Just as the Russian and Ottoman Empires had been rivals for centuries, World War I saw the fall of these empires and their replacement with new states represented by the national Republic of Turkey and the Soviet Union. Entitled "Red Army Military Schools (Kızıl ordu harbiye mektepleri)," this map printed by the Turkish military in 1927 displays the locations of military schools and establishments of the new Red Army in Russia and the other Soviet republics such as Azerbaijan and Armenia.

One of the interesting facts about this map is that it was found in the records of the Ottoman/Turkish embassy in Tehran. While the Safavid and Qajars were generally rivals of the Ottomans, relations between these neighbors improved during the late nineteenth century, and under the new government of the Pahlavi dynasty and Reza Shah, Turkey led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk entered into a new period of friendship and cooperation between the two states in 1926. This early alliance may have included coordination on matters of intelligence such as those found in this map.

Иран, Турция, english, Военная разведка, Турецкий след, Тегеран

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