Yepp, it's real comic panel!

Jan 21, 2015 20:30

So, that "Spike with the kittens" draft by Megan Levens turned out to be a real panel, yay!

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cats, btvs comics, char: spike, btvs, char: anya, char: xander

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shapinglight January 21 2015, 18:50:50 UTC
Also, is it just me or Season 10 really looks like one big fanservice fest so far?

I sorta, kinda agree, but at some point it stops being fanservice and is just the story, IMO. Doing Buffy/Spike is just as valid as doing anything else, and DH wouldn't be the first comics company to toy with the idea of bringing back...the person mentioned in your spoiler.

Not really sure what else in the current comics can be put down to fanservice? The Andrew thing? Possibly. could just say it's about time.


rbfvid January 21 2015, 19:54:16 UTC
I didn't mean "fanservice" as a bad thing here, not some overwhelming intent to do anything to please the fans and ditch everything they don't like.
More like - you wanted Buffy and Spike to talk about their S6 issues? Here it is!
Some fluffy spuffel? Here! Andrew finally coming out? Ok, we can do it. And we remember that you still grieve about Tara! Yepp, and Anya, too! And look, Spander shippers, we didn't forget about you, here is your issue!

I don't even pay much attention to comics on purpose. But since season 10 started, I can't help but notice it, because almost after every issue some part of fandom becomes excited and floods tumblr/forums with posts.
I don't remember it during season 9 (I wasn't in the fandom during season 8, though).


shapinglight January 21 2015, 20:01:19 UTC
I think pretty much everyone hated season 9.;)

As for season 8, it was very polarising. Some people adored it and still insist it's better than some of the television seasons (which is nonsense, IMO) and some people really, really hated it.

There was what looked like fanservice in season 8, but it turned out to have a twist in it. Which is fine, except that it was a stupid story (again, IMO).


rbfvid January 22 2015, 01:36:53 UTC
I guess Spuffy shippers now should be praying "Please, PLEASE don't do with us what you did with Bangel fans!"


shapinglight January 22 2015, 08:54:35 UTC
What would be the point?

They're going to do it anyway. Everyone knows that.


rbfvid January 22 2015, 15:53:37 UTC
After what they did to spuffy shippers in S6, doing it again in comis would be an overkill.
But yeah, like it ever stopped them...


red_satin_doll January 22 2015, 05:31:06 UTC
I entered the fandom right as S8 was winding down - I still can't bleach the image of the spacefrak (or Jeanty's ugly artwork in general) from my brain. I wish someone had warned me before I walked into the comics store.


rbfvid January 22 2015, 15:55:23 UTC
I guess there are some perks in entering fandom so late, after all...)


red_satin_doll January 22 2015, 20:47:51 UTC
When I first got here not quite three years ago I used to bemoan the fact that I "missed the boat" of a lot of fandom creativity and activity; now I realize I also missed a lot of nonsense and bs that I'm too old and don't have time or patience for, and am better off for it.


rbfvid January 23 2015, 16:51:51 UTC
Well, this fandom is still capable to spawn a half-decent ship war. All those bangel vs spuffy posts after the latest comics issue. Somehow it's cute and gross at the same time)


red_satin_doll January 23 2015, 17:48:09 UTC
Somehow it's cute and gross at the same time)

I read comics reviews from su_herald links (including your own) and each one could not be more different in how they interpret and react to these comics. (And it all ends up revolving around a certain TEH MENZ (esp a certain blond vampire) no matter what side of the aisle you're on. More than ever, Buffy has become an afterthought in what was her story - in canon and fanon/fandom, and that to me is extremely gross and frankly. dispiriting.

The hilarious thing is that nearly everyone who ships (regardless of the fandom) wants the same things - but they think they want terribly different things to one another. They don't. It's funny until it's not.


rbfvid January 23 2015, 18:19:52 UTC
Well, Spike is in the center only in fandom discussions, otherwise he was barely in the comics at all (except for "Spike" spin-offs and 3 or so latest issues).


red_satin_doll January 23 2015, 19:27:31 UTC
Spike is in the center only in fandom discussions,

Of which dark horse is well aware or why else display him so prominently in the preview pages and on the covers?

And the point is still the same - pro - or anti, the discussion all revolves around a HE, not the SHE at the center of the tale.


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