Yepp, it's real comic panel!

Jan 21, 2015 20:30

So, that "Spike with the kittens" draft by Megan Levens turned out to be a real panel, yay!

Cats have a sadistic, predatory streak that you can't help but love.
And points for reminding me why Anya is my favorite BtVS girl.

I'm a bit disappointed in art overall - it's not bad (and surely not S8 level of bad), but most of the characters (except for Andrew and Dawn) don't look like themselves.
But kittens! Kittens excuse everything.

Also, is it just me or Season 10 really looks like one big fanservice fest so far? Especially given that recent spoiler from Angel&Faith.

cats, btvs comics, char: spike, btvs, char: anya, char: xander

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