Masterpost of my vids and graphics, in chronological order.
Invincible (Buffy/Spike)
Saturday Night ("Band Candy" episodic)
Hollywood (Cordelia Chase)
All of the Good (Darla/Angel)
Seventy-Six Trombones [BtVS/The Music Man mashup], (Buffy/Spike)
I Belong to You (Buffy/Mr.Gordo, Buffy/Angel)
Your Color (Giles&Drusilla, Buffy, Willow)
Punk Spike The Slayer (Buffy)
Dramatic Spike Not Thinking About Buffy (Buffy/Spike)
Too Cool for Cats (Spike & kitten)
Someday My Prince Will Come (Willow, kittens)
A Tumult of Kinsfolk (Xander)
Venus and Mars (Darla)
Various banners (Buffy/Spike, Anya/Snape, Spike/Willow, Xander, Giles)
Making of Dawn (Dawn banner)
Out For A Walk AU gifset (Buffy/Spike)
Kitten poker night (Spike)
Buffy Characters as Cats, pt. 3, (Anya, Faith, Harmony, Joyce, Oz, Wesley)
Buffy Characters as Cats, pt. 2, (Darla, Dawn, Drusilla, Giles, Tara, Xander)
Buffyverse Characters as Cats, pt.1 (Angel, Angelus, Buffy, Cordelia, Spike, Willow)
Ok, seems like I have a kitty obsession. Probably should make a BtVS kitty!vid one day, too.