Banner roundup post

Jan 30, 2016 18:19

Five banners I made in the past few months, arranged in chronological order. And be sure to check out the stories behind them, too, they are worth it ;)

Entry seasonal-spuffy's banner contest.

Banner for The Letters (the 84, Charing Cross Road remix) by dragonyphoenix.

Banner for Words to Live By by sparrow2000.
Background texture by MadameM-stock.

Shadows of the Past by xspike4evax.

In a Corner of My Soul by dragonyphoenix.

artwork, btvs, pairing: spike/willow, char: xander, char: willow, banner, crossover, char: buffy, char: spike, char: giles, char: andrew, pairing: spuffy, char: anya

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