Making Room. grrrr -cries-

May 06, 2007 12:16

I agree. I believe it is fear. Some people think that sensuality and sexuality in women is wicked because it is a kind of power that women hold. They think that a woman can't be sexual/sensual and spiritual at the same time, it's either one or the other. These people think that woman aren't capable (for whatever reason) to and control these gifts/powers on they're own so they try to make it shameful and a horrible thing if she tries to.
It's just how the way the world works. I'm just gonna back up what Lala, just do it for the Lord. I'm sure he's using this as a way to show others that there's "another way to pray" so to speak. This can also be used as away to spread the Gospel. People who wouldn't come to a normal Christian function would come to see you and be intrigued to find you there are belly dancing believers. That totally opens the floor to questions and that's an opportunity.

People need to understand that a Christian is still a person, an individual and the one thing that brings these individuals together is there shared love for Christ and his teaching. How boring is it that we should all be the same, act the same? I think we should show people that we are who we are and God still loves us. So we should praise him with our strengths and weaknesses. Don't let others feel bad and don't let them take the voice God has given you.

And Philadelphia was of course the middle sister between New York and Washington. She holds a very important place in this little mythic tale. Because a lot of times the middle sister doesn't get a whole lot of attention.
-- Tori; New York Times "Critics Choice" w/ Ann Powers, January 12, 2002

I was writing out a nice little letter and now I'm swalling anger because the internet killed it. when I signed back on lj didn't prompt me back what I wrote (like it sometimes does) and I'm angry now. Ba Humbug! grrrrr. -cries-
I just put this up bacause I had it save on my computer for a while and now I wanna make room. That was another belly dancing gripe.
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