(no subject)

May 16, 2006 23:53

tagged by the lovely stormkpr -waves-
Explain Your Live Journal Name and its Meaning. When you're done, tag as many people as there are letters in your name.

Oh boy mine has a lotta letters in it indeed.

Okay I was listing to my favorite morning radio show and they kept saying that there were a lot of crazy random people in Philadelphia. They'd been doing it all morning. Then one of the DJ's got tongue tied and said "that was Razy Crandom!" Well all the rest of the morning that was the funniest thing I'd heard and people were calling in saying "Razy Crandom!" making the DJ feel like a dumb ass for saying it! lol He's always a good sport because he's always saying really stupid things so he's used to it. Anyway, it stuck for me. I had other names but they were already taken. I remember this being one of my profile names for another web site ... so I used it. :D

let me see. (counts on fingers) 15 damn! I don' think I have that many frinds ...

lol this is all I got autumnfl0wer, capnzoe, damn_hero_zoe, gimmemypickle, jayneaintagirl, ninamonkey, shinywriter, stormkpr. good people these ones. -nod-

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