
Jan 13, 2006 00:26

I remember the last funeral I went to. It was my Great Uncle Richard.
My family meets truly only when someone dies. Tonight was no different.
What's worst is many people, soo many people knew me, but I did not know them.
I got there late. So it was half over once I arrived. I wasn't even sure I had the right room cause I only new him as DeDe, not Van Brosman. I mean I never even knew his real name.

My mom found me and we sat together. His sister was speaking, her name was Trina, but it's actuall Katrina or something like that. I promis you, next time I am going to need ID. No one is called by there proper names.
She sang/cried, then my cousin sang, then the pastor tried to conver the audience.
I was not converted.
Then, the coolest thing, his eldest sister, (insert name here), said for everyone to get up and meet everyone. This was quite nice and gave me something to do other then feel the weight of the room or see my uncle really greving. He was so sad.
After that she and her kids sang, which was more like the dj person turning up the cd and them singing along. It was nice. After that the pastor tried to get everyone (family first) to leave after the final viewing.
that failed. people milled around a bit then found themselves in the dining hall were food was catered. Churches or something like it. I watch coats for a while.
I sat with my uncle a while. My aunt told me that he blames himself.
It was hard seeing him so sad. But I don't deal with death like I am suppose to.

After food, and many "I remember you, you don't remember me" moments, it was time to go, but my cousins gf lock her keys in the car and that was another hour and a half.
I just got home not 20 mins ago. I am tired actually.

ok bed

family, funerals, death

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