theres a cat

Jan 12, 2006 12:06

theres a cat, in a box, on a shelf, in a closet, with the door closed.
there are hundreds of such packages in this infinte closet.
each filled with an emotion that I would rather not deal with right now.
You forget just how long things have been in there.
Each day you wait, is just like waiting to open that plastic container you left in the fridge with something (you can never quite remember) so many months ago.
Each day you wait, it gets older, more stale, becoming something new, different.
Something you keep putting off to deal with, cause it's so bad.
And you know each day you wait, it's only going to get worst.
So you wait. Maybe your roommate will clean it.
Except you live alone.
You can't throw it away.
At some point your going to have to deal with it.


it's going to deal with you.
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