Jenny spent nearly a week here in Texas, and it flew by so quickly! We shopped (omg, it is so nice to have someone to shop with!), cooked, talked, laughed... it was wonderful. So in my dreamworld, I have this fantastic vacation home, maybe in the Colorado mountains. Friends come visit for a couple of weeks at a time, and we get to spend time together, just being. Or shopping, hiking, cooking, playing games, painting, whatever. And they all lived happily ever after.
Things I am bad at:
- Keeping in touch with friends. Even my very best friends. I don't understand it, either. Need to change.
- Putting laundry away if the clean laundry basket is in the bedroom. It so quickly becomes part of the bedroom landscape and I don't notice it for days. Usually when I am out of socks or I need an empty laundry basket.
- Resisting chocolate if I know it's in the house. Cookies, cake, pie, brownies... they sit for weeks and often get thrown out. Chocolate? Lucky if it lasts a night alone with me.
- Phone calls. I get all kinds of anxious when I have to call people. It's different in a work situation and I'm fine... it's just the personal calls that make me squirm.
- Yardwork. I still have not dead-headed my summer flowers in the front yard. I think this is a mix of not knowing what I'm doing and laziness.
- Asking for help. Even when I know I need it. Also, bad at letting people help me... accepting help does not mean failure, but I have issues with self-sufficiency.
- Making myself eat breakfast. And sometimes lunch. I know, I know. Working on it.
Things I'm good at:
- Making healthy lunches for my kids. I feel lucky to have the time to do this every morning.
- Helping others. When someone needs help, I find myself volunteering (which can just as often be on the BAD list since I sometimes take on too much).
- Sometimes I'm good at Scrabble. Though Jenny wiped the board with me TWICE this week. :)
- Procrastinating when I don't think I will have enough time to finish something. I hate leaving things undone, and so often it ends up that way. So I tend to procrastinate in hopes of having a big chunk of time in which to see things through to the finish. Which means there are projects in my head that won't get started until after my kids go to college. This should be on the bad list. But I needed more things on the good list.
- Making cookies. And gluten-free biscuits. Yummeh.
- Sleeping. Lately, anyway. The insomnia seems to be gone (please don't let the insomnia gods take that as a challenge).
- Thinking of random things to make lists about. My name is Erica and I am a list maniac.
Conclusion: I need therapy, dear internets. If only you could email it to me.
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