For the past few weeks, Khai has fallen into the role of the defiant, resistant three-year-old. While I know he's just trying to test his boundaries and see how much he can get away with, it's still frustrating. He's gotten good at looking at me, no fear to be seen, and saying NO. I could be asking him to do something he loves, and he'll say no just for kicks. Last night he would not get into the bathtub-- he would not even come near the bathroom. After about five minutes of him saying, I will not take a bath! over and over, I finally picked him up and put him into the full bath, jeans and all. He was so shocked that he forgot to fight me. The look on his face was worth a million dollars... and he didn't fuss anymore for the rest of the night. I WON!
Max and Khai got out of school early today-- about 11am-- due to the ice pellets and snow falling from the sky. Once home, the boys spent a lot of time staring out the window, awed by the white stuff. At one point, Khai came running in to me: MOM! There's so many snow! There's one hundred many snow! Max had to refute that by telling him that there were *way* more than a hundred. Probably a thousand or maybe a million.
NaBloPoMo is officially over in about half an hour... and I did it! I wrote every day! There were a couple of days there that I just really, really didn't want to write. And then there were several days where I had nothing to write about and had to think far too hard to come up with something. Ok, that was most days. It's not an adventuresome life I lead. Well, unless you consider potty training and the Lego-scattered-floor/minefield to be dangerous and exciting.
I don't imagine I'll keep posting every day (because truly, some days there's just nothing there), though I do know that it's good for me. The more I write, the easier it is to find the words. And sometimes I just have to make myself do it. Pants-in-the-bathtub style.
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