
Jan 16, 2006 10:49

While I have been known to gripe about these early-morning trips to the airport, in reality, I'm glad to have just one more half-hour with Josh before he's gone for another week. His Tulsa contract should have less than a month to go... I'm hopeful that afterwards he'll have a week or so at home before he's off to other strange and far-off places.

Today, for the very first time in my life, I paid someone to clean my house. Josh thinks I'm a nutjob because I spent a good amount of time yesterday clearing away clutter and organizing things-- because you can't clean if there are papers, toys, loose change and random junk strewn about, right? Especially if you don't know where to put it all. So yeah, I cleaned before the cleaning people came.

There were three people here, and in under an hour and a half, they had the place *sparkling* -- it would have taken me three days to get that amount of work done! Of course, they didn't have kids climbing on them and saying, "mommy-mommy-mommy-mommy" the entire time.

While they were cleaning, the boys and I were holed up in their room reading books together. What a strange (but good) feeling. I don't think I could justify making it a regular thing, but it was well worth the money this time.

On Saturday I had a cinnamon dulce soy latte from Starbucks. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since... they're addictive. It's like a cinnamon roll! That you drink! With caffeine! MmMmMMmm.

The house is clean, so now I can focus on all of the other things that I need to get done. Well, I can *try* to focus. We'll see how that goes.

good stuff, coffee

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