095. Lies. - Ryan and Eric both tell each other lies just to avoid telling each other the truth of how they feel.
034. Not Enough. - Eric is simply not getting enough of something from Ryan. Suprisingly, this is not a porn fic. So :P
035. Mask - Ryan wears a mask to work everyday, just to avoid telling what he is really going through.
076. Secrets - Somebody knows something that could ruin everything...
079. Confession 080. Redemption - Eric finally confesses something to Ryan and seeks his redemption.
019. Him. 020. Her. - For Ryan, it will always be him. For Eric, it will always be her.
025. Accident - I'm doing the obvious and using Nailed as an reference. Going into Ryan's mind as he experiences the accident.
030. Death - I think I'll keep this one secret.
064. Fall. - Though it is listed with the other seasons, I'm going with the other meaning as in something falling. One of them experiences the fall.
074. Dark. - Eric feels completely in the dark when he finds out he is the last one to know about Ryan's eye problem.
071. Broken. 072. Fixed. - He broke them and now he wants to them to be fixed.
011. Red. - When he saw him...he saw red. (Again Nailed reference)
018. Black. - (Urban Hellraisers gone in a different way) That day in the hell was the blackest day for him.
019. White. - When he open his eyes, he finally saw the pureness of everything. (white tends to equal purity)
The Big Old Table of Prompts for Slash_100 The Big Old Table of Prompts for Fanfic100 Or you can pick some prompts that YOU would like to see me tackle on next with the situation portrayed for it.