Feb 11, 2008 22:24
Lets start at work I got shit done this entire morning I had people coming to me and I was able to deal with them and make it so I didn’t have any more on my plate. My boss was out which put me as a sudo supervisor in the group I am getting a bit tired of explaining things to Sam but it happens. Also about the formulas that I use some of those are fun.
I feel pretty good, I’m afraid that I may develop an ego. Had a great night last Saturday it did leave me in a daze though I haven’t been able to get out of. I kind of should because it just makes want to get out work sooner, again that may not be a bad thing. Damn I’m not used to this ahh well I just have to repeat don’t get carried away over and over. I’m too impatient I just feel really good ATM and I don’t know what to do with it- emotions tend to hype me up and give me a bit more energy to move. I just haven’t found a way to release this one effective hell I’ve even tried to burn it off when running around town.
Well it is what it is, and most don’t get to see this side of me at least till the solstice or equinox. Well its been fun and I got to gather my mind up again and rebuild so I can surpass what I am now or at least attempt to. I miss the people that I used to sit with till 4 am , even better all the people that know all the “good” stories about me I cant really start naming names well I could I just have individual stories about the lot of you and memories that involve each of you - like Vikings come home I got some real winners out of my years going to that event. Than again for all of you haven’t seen in a bit I got some real winners that I can tell you about. Hay Devon if you still read this occasionally I understand how you feel or felt also to the point my heads doing the exact thing you were vocalizing about 2 years ago.
Man the part of my brain that’s active seems like it’s going insane but in a good way. God I’m not used to this.