Oct 17, 2014 09:27
Driving to work today I took notice of how fast fall seemed to have set in. Oranges, browns, and yellows are ruling the hillsides as leaves scatter themselves amongst the asphalt. It was a rough summer, as we had no gas service - but having it restored recently was like having a wonderful gift given to us. A warm shower in comparison to the many, many cold and uncomfortable showers I had taken this summer just seems like a luxury now. It's funny the things you take for granted - and when they are gone how hard things really are.
We are also down to one car. Every morning my husband drops me off at work several hours before my shift, I usually just sit with dogs during that time, then he picks me up after my shift. This means being at work for sometimes 11 hours, more or less. By the time I get into the car after work to drive home, I usually can't drive home because something needs done or I need to go somewhere or groceries need bought, etc. I get home in time to shower, change and pass out. It sucks and I really need to break away from this mundane over and over kind of stuff. I'm pretty unhappy with being so worn out and tired.
I often question if I need a new job.. what I need to make me A) healthy and B) happy. But ironically, I don't really think a job or more time or more money will help. I've packed on a good 35 pounds in the last year due to poor eating and depression and even if I eat healthy for a time, or skip meals, juice, or fast, I keep gaining. It's horrible. Tomorrow I have a show - it's the big Halloween show - sadly, I'm not too entirely sure that my costumes will even fit at this point. I don't know if I need my thyroid checked or what, but if I am not eating and still gaining, there is some kind of something that isn't quite right. But there is a show and I have 2 acts to perform.
And in an odd turn of events, my oldest daughter has been suffering some stomach ailments. This reminds me of me when I was her age, and I often times question if she could possibly even have what I had. Although, 2 stomachs isn't a common occurance. haha.
On that note, I will logg off - I can only write from work anyway since my internet is off at home. Money is evil.
money is evil,
weight gain