
Aug 16, 2008 00:31

The MIL never got back to me, and Duke is due for his shampoo tomorrow with the medicated shampoo for his condition. 
I REALLY don't want to call her. I don't, if she cannot respond to me like a fucking adult then ... well I don't know. 
My husband was like "I don't care, I'd rather not talk to her anyway".

And you know...  I think the woman is a snake.

When I met John he was living with his mum and footing a lot of the bills, he was under the assumption that their cost of living was much higher than it actually was. We found out later what the rent actually was, and John was shocked. 
Ever since John was little he had depression issues, and when he explained some of these things to his mother (and I am talking about suicide thoughts - as young as 5 yeard old), she said that if he thought that way it meant she was a bad mom and he didn't want her to think she was a bad mom now does he... so he bottled up his anxieties and depression, and he worked very hard to be the perfect kid. 
He was told that if he studied hard he'd get all these rewards and perfect jobs. He was practically the smartest kid in his class, all the time, and could have had a brighter future, with a little proper parenting. She promised him things that never came, like trips to Disney World. He never went on a family vacation in his life.  
Instead of concentrating on all the things she promised, she caught herself up in severe debt and fought with his dad all the time, eventually running out and dragging John with her to some other guy's house who had money piled away. This guy was a douchebag to John and eventually John rebelled. 
John tried to go to college, but he had no direction and even though he could have earned tons of scholarships, he wasn't sure what to do and had to foot the bill himself  (again due to lack of proper guidance).  When his mom found that the money ran out with the other guy, she began fighting him, and then had no one - that's about the time she 'found god'.   
She did have John though - and this is kind of where I came in, when he was her supporter. 
He had dropped out of college due to severe massive depression and was working the midnight shift. He was on high doses of Lexapro; I remember one weekend he got violently ill when he didn't take his meds. He used to be a cutter - I can't help but feel that if he would have gotten help instead of a fucking guilt trip when he was like  five years old, he wouldn't have been in such bad shape.
Meeting John was like meeting my husband of another life. I looked all over for him for years and years... and suddenly he was just there. We clicked. It was right. His mother gave us grief when we moved in together. . . but she was dating someone and became engaged so it kept her off our back. The time came for her to stop renting the little house she lived in and move in with her (new) husband. She repeatedly told us that it had to be that way because God said so, and we already cursed our relationship by living together. We daydreamed and pondered and then asked about renting the house. It took a couple weeks, but the reply we got about renting shocked us. It wasn't that we had dogs, or kids... we were told that because we were 'living in sin' that the landlord simply wouldn't rent to us. Instead of John's mother defending the honor of the son, that was always good to her, she simply said 'sorry guys, that's god's will'. I felt betrayed back then... I cried for days. The rent was so much cheaper than what we were paying to live in Lawrenceville and the house was cute and had a yard and everything. 
Time passed and my dislike for her increased each time I would talk about something and she would always have a problem that was far greater, or that if I wasn't doing well, she was doing a million times worse herself. Or that if anything bad happened in my life it was because I didn't go to church or didn't pray enough, etc.  My annoyance with the woman grew. 
Then Livvie came into my life last year.  -  She had a ton of problems and was human aggressive and fearful. We tried desperately to rehab her. One day we took her to John's mom's and her husband was approaching the dog with a folding chair. Livvie began to growl/lunge and instead of walking away or doing anything constructive to alleviate her fears, he growled, barked and yelled at her. She cowered in fear under my chair, practically peeing herself, and I was appalled. I was fucking mad.
Eventually, after evals and serious aggression issues, Livve was put to sleep and I was sick for 4 days. I threw up, couldn't eat. Losing her was losing part of myself. I cannot begin to describe the bond I had with her.. we were serious. We were old friends. So many days have passed and I still cry over her. She's with me forever in ink on my leg, but it isn't the way it was supposed to be.
In an effort to heal, we began to foster Butterfly later on. We took Butterfly out to meet them and I was proud of the little bouncy brindle ball. She greeted them happily and lovingly and hopped up into my stepfather-in-law's lap to cuddle. Instead of luring her down or telling her no, he stood straight up and shoved, not merely pushed, but SHOVED her off. She flew several feet before falling to the ground on her side. I was so shocked I could't react and his mom giggled. My dislike, especially towards HIM grew to straight up hatred that day, that fat bald goofy looking fucking loser.
I limited my contact with them after that, but we still had to do things on occasion like holidays, etc. 
Then the thing with Duke came up. 
You know, when they came to pick him up - I was saying bye to him through the car window and telling him "you'll be okay" when my MIL's husband began to back up, nearly running my bare foot over? Yea. Fuck it, you know what - I straight up HATE the guy.

You know, I don't like being civil with fake people like his mom and her husband. I KNOW they dislike me, they think I care more about dogs than people (and so fucking what if I do, there's reasons for that) and the recent attempt to tell my husband that she was annoyed by me, etc. has kind of put me over the top.  If I didn't care about the well-being of Duke so much, I may have told them to fuck off and don't bother us anymore. Sure, maybe it's harsh, but WHY should I subject myself to being treated subpar?

Yes this post is a long rant, and my husband will be like WTH at the personal stuff, but you know.. .. ..

I think the woman is a snake.

family, omg_ihateeverybody!, asshole

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